Sunday, January 10, 2010

30 weeks down, 10 to go!

This weekend, we had a great visit with some of our college friends. Jeff and Brandi came up to stay with us so that we could all attend a baby shower in honor of our other friends, Mike and Erin! The boys celebrated the shower by visiting a nearby drinking establishment while the ladies enjoyed the usual shower activities. :-) It was especially fun to get to see Erin and Mike as they are due the day after us in March! It was fun to visit and relate about how our pregnancies have been going and Joel took some great pictures of the future friends and their mommies out by the pool.
We also celebrated a VERY special occasion with Jeff and Bran while they were in town. On Friday, Brandi received her PhD!!! We are so very proud of her and it was really exciting to get to be with her to celebrate all of her hard work! :-)
As for the regular updates, scroll on down for the latest stats. I've come to the conclusion that pregnancy sucks for the most part, but nobody tells you that part until it's too late. Of course, there are plenty of people who will disagree with me, but I think they might be a bit delusional. :-) JK... Granted, I will readily do it all over again someday, God willing, because I know every ache and discomfort will be beyond worth it - but you KNOW how long ten months is??? *sigh* Good thing this kid will be a total angel and sleep through the night right away. I'm going to be exhausted by the time they arrive. Wait, what do you mean that isn't how it works? ;-)

How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: about 30 pounds give or take. Eh...whatever.
Maternity clothes? Nope. I'm totally back in my size 6 clothes! Riiiiiight.....
Stretch marks? Still negative. Thank you, genetics.
Sleep: Comes and goes. Some nights I sleep like a rock, others I feel like I slept ON a rock. :-/
Best moment this week: The crib arrived this week! It's still in the box, but it's here! Yeah! (Thanks Dad & Pam!)
Movement: Constantly. We've graduated into the stronger jabbing and 'stretching' phase, where Baby Corcoran likes to push out in all directions. At the same time.
Food cravings: Still no real cravings. I guess I bypassed that symptom, too?
Gender: Well, at Erin's shower this weekend, the popular belief was that it's a girl! See, isn't this fun... 40 weeks of guessing! :-)
Labor Signs: Hello Braxton Hicks...I think. I didn't think I was having any, but just recently I started noticing times where my whole abdomen hardens up for a minute or so. If a friend hadn't described hers the same way, I don't even know if I'd have noticed them. They almost feel like a crunch or a sit-up - definitely not comfortable, but not painful either. Other than that - no labor signs thankfully!
Belly Button in or out? Still rockin my 'flattie'.
What I miss: Sitting comfortably. Those days are long gone.
What I am looking forward to: HA! Not being pregnant anymore! :-) Have you noticed a theme with this post?
Weekly Wisdom: The baby won't care where he or she sleeps, nor will they care if their nursery is set up in advance. (Thanks for the reminder Mom! I know it, but it's hard to keep it in perspective!)
Milestones: None that I can think of this week, but that's okay, too!
Current Projects: Decluttering the house is our plan of action right now. We are planning to take advantage of donation pick-ups, e-waste pick-ups, and might even get a dumpster. We both tend to keep stuff we don't need to keep and we'd really like to get back to basics!

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