Saturday, February 13, 2010

33 Weeks and a Baby Shower!

We were so fortunate to have my best friend Mary offer to throw an LA baby shower for family and friends! It was so much fun to visit with everyone and Mary did an amazing job with all of the decorations and food! We all keep telling her that party-planning may be a calling of hers. :-) Thanks again to Mary, Ray, Corie, the Pearls, and the Magluyans, for all of your time and energy to make it such a fun day for us! We love you!

Now, the drive down to LA at Christmas had been pretty uncomfortable with this growing baby belly, so I knew we would have to fly for this particular trip. Luckily, that worked out just fine and we made it home in one piece! We packed a small carry on suitcase and nestled our two larger suitcases and checked them on the way down. Thanks to Southwest's fabulous 2 free checked bags per person policy, we were able to get home with all of the wonderful gifts we received, too! Of course, I unfortunately also brought home a lovely respiratory virus from my fellow passengers on that flight (Yeah, I'm talking to you, dude with the horrible cold/flu symptoms that opted to sit right next to me in the terminal...). Although it had me hacking, coughing, sniffling, and wheezing over the past two weeks, I suppose I can't complain too much since I have been surprisingly healthy throughout this pregnancy.

Since this is overdue, I'm going to skip the regular update in favor of some more great pictures from the shower! Since Joel wanted to visit with our friends, too, he ended up sticking around and taking pictures during the festivities. As always, he got some great ones! :-) Unfortunately, we have some camera shy guests so we didn't quite get pictures of everyone there. But thank you once again to everyone who was able to make it out to the shower and for everyone's incredible generosity! We are so blessed!

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